Quareia’s Free study Books and Supplementary texts
In keeping with Quareia's code of ethics, wherever possible, supplementary texts and/or translations that are necessary or helpful for the course study can be found here as free downloads.
Please note that all texts on this Free Study Texts page unless otherwise specified, are fully copyrighted, and are intended for personal use only. We will legally challenge any misuse of copyright of these books and texts. We ask you to respect these boundaries on behalf of the author and publishers, so that we can continue to offer free Ebooks - by doing this, we can ensure that every student, no matter what their income, can access these books. In return, please support the publishers and writers if/when you can by buying the books from internet retailers,
Please consider supporting the work of Quareia with a monthly subscription - our ongoing work and new projects continue with your help. 100% of all donations go to Quareia to help cover costs and student projects - they do not go to Josephine McCarthy.
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July 24- Magia Do Portão Norte por Josephine McCarthy- Tradução para o Português por J D Oliveira. Brasil.
Nov 23 - Magical Knowledge I by Josephine McCarthy
Sept 23 - The Last Scabbard by Josephine McCarthy - a magical occult novel.
Aug 23 The Mystagogus Deck Book by Josephine McCarthy - Portuguese translation by J D Oliveira/para o Portugues por J D Oliveira
Aug 23 Tarot for the 21st Century by Josephine McCarthy - Portuguese translation by J D Oliveira/para o Portugues por J D Oliveira
Quareia workbooks in PDF format for download
TheQuareia workbooks are simply another form of lesson download in the form of two modules each with contents listing, and have a simpler design which makes it easier for reader software to use if you are sight challenged. There are 14 books in PDF form available on the workbook download page, and you may print out or store these PDF files for your personal use only.
Click image to go to the download page
The Quareia Apprentice Study Guide
The Apprentice section of the Quareia course has no mentoring, which makes it the most difficult part of the magical training to complete. The Quareia Apprentice Study Guide provides answers to basic questions, details the structure and approach of the course, examines some of the common training issues, and explains the core concepts presented in the course.
Free PDF for personal use only
Mystagogus- The deck book
Mystagogus - The Deck Book, is the companion book to the Mystagogus Deck by magical adept Josephine McCarthy. The deck and book (hardback or paperback choices) are available direct through the Quareia Publishing website and the book in both formats and kindle are also available on amazon and most internet retailers.
Click on the book image to download a PDF of the book.
More details about the deck and book can be found here on Quareia Publishing’s website. A PDF of the card images and key words, and a PDF of the layout have been kindly done for your quick reference by Quareia Volunteer L.
magical Knowledge I - Foundations
By Josephine McCarthy
The foundation knowledge and skills for any western magical path.
Free PDF download for personal use only
The Last Scabbard - a magical novel by Josephine McCarty
Stretching from Pre Roman Britain, through the 19th century Golden Dawn Magical Group to present day, The Last Scabbard tells of the magical mysteries of ancient Britain/Albion told through the story of the magical sword Caliburn, the Stone of Destiny, and the Last Scabbard-the final Guardian of the sword. A tale filled with magic, occult rituals, love and the confrontation of death and reincarnation-The Last Scabbard peels back the shroud of distant past to expose our potential future. It is often the actions of ordinary people who do extraordinary things that determine the fate of a land and a nation.
Free PDF download for personal use only
Magic of the North Gate by Josephine McCarthy
Magic of the North Gate: Powers of the Land, the Stones, and the Ancients takes a highly original and detailed look at the magic that involves the land, the body, the living, and the dead.
Free PDF download for personal use only
Magical Healing by Josephine McCarthy
Magical Healing guides the reader through the complexities of how to maintain a healthy mind and body while exploring the depths of magic. It explains how energies can affect our health and what to do about it, how to deal with magical impacts and attacks that affect the body, and how to use divination as a method of keeping a check on your own energetic health.
PDF of the First Edition for personal use only
Handbook for the Quareia Magicians Deck
The LXXXI Quareia Magicians Deck Book, second edition, is the book that accompanies the Quareia Magicians deck. This second edition book vastly expands upon the original deck book, and has mundane as well as magical interpretations, and a wider selection of spreads/layouts.
translations of some of the books by Josephine McCarthy
Magia do Portão norte
por Josephine McCarthy
Tradução para o Português por J D Oliveira. Brasil.
Técnicas de Tarot para o século XXI: Divinação Mundana e Mágica
por Josephine McCarthy
Tradução para o Português por J D Oliveira. Brasil.
Conhecimento de Magia Trilogia
Por Josephine McCarthy.
Tradução para o Português por J D Oliveira. Brasil.
MAGIA DE CURA: Um Guia de Sobrevivência sobre Saúde para Magistas e Curadores
Por Josephine McCarthy
Tradução para o Português por J D Oliveira. Brasil.
A PDF Portuguese translation of Magical Healing.
We at Quareia would like to thank J.D. Oliveira for his volunteer work in doing this Portuguese translation.
Tradução para o Português por J D Oliveira. Brasil.
O baralho de 78 cartas é projetado e pintado magicamente para atuar como um guia, conselheiro e fonte de divinação para alguém que está trilhando um caminho mágico sozinho. Não é baseado em nenhum sistema de tarô, mas é uma ferramenta mágica de contato única, padronizada e pintada pela magista adepta e professora Josephine McCarthy. Também é projetado magicamente de forma que, se você não tiver acesso ao baralho, poderá trabalhar com o livro e com um conjunto de cartas em branco com os nomes das imagens escritas nas cartas.
O Baralho Mystagogus foi projetado em torno de um padrão mágico de evolução e incorporou nele os estágios de desenvolvimento inerentes a qualquer caminho mágico que busca maior união com o self mais profundo e com os mundos interiores ocultos que fluem através e ao redor do mundo físico.
Mystagogus oferece uma voz clara e concisa de divinação sem qualquer glamour obscuro desnecessário ou fantasioso - é uma voz coerente de poder que vai direto ao cerne da divinação e não faz rodeios. Ele é dividido em camadas para que vozes mundanas e mágicas possam fluir através dele - às vezes precisamos falar com um contato interior profundo e, às vezes, precisamos encontrar nosso gato desaparecido. Mystagogus foi projetado com ambas situações em mente, pois todas fazem parte da trama do destino.
O livro do baralho também está repleto de referências, citações e informações altamente relevantes de várias religiões, filosofia e ciência como uma forma de ampliar a compreensão da mente mágica, ao mesmo tempo em que ocasionalmente dá ao leitor uma espiada na dinâmica antiga e clássica da magia de maneiras discretas e sutis.
El Tarot del Siglo XXI: Adivinación cotidiana y mágica.
Por Josephine McCarthy.
El Tarot del Siglo XXI. Descubre todos los secretos de la adivinación cotidiana y mágica, es un manual y una guía para explorar y aumentar tus habilidades adivinatorias con el tarot. Escrito por Josephine McCarthy, una experta y destacada personalidad en el mundo del ocultismo, y una autora innovadora, que se aleja de la reciente y popular tendencia de usar el tarot como una herramienta de análisis psicológico y de asesoramiento. En su lugar, te enseña a utilizar el tarot para la adivinación: ver el futuro, el pasado, y analizar el presente.
Free Spanish PDF download for personal use
Available on all internet retail outlets including Amazon, Walmart, Barnes and Noble.
Handbook for the Quareia Magicians Deck - ma tradução em Portugues
UM GUIA PARA O SIGNIFICADO DAS CARTAS - O oráculo dos magistas por Josephine McCarthy
Tradução para o Português por J D Oliveira. Brasil.
We at Quareia would like to thank J.D. Oliveira for his volunteer work in doing this Portuguese translation.
handbook for the Quareia Magicians Deck en français
Pour vous en ce 31 octobre 2020, voici la traduction française du Livret de LXXXI- Quareia : l'Oracle des Mages.
It is in PDF form and can be viewed/downloaded by clicking the cover image. We would like to thank French Friends of Quareia and Sarabée who is in the process of translating the Quareia course into French.
Handbook for the Quareia Magicians Deck En español
A free Spanish translation of the Quareia Magicians Deck Book has been kindly provided by Ivana Luna, a Quareia student. It is in PDF form and can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the book image.
Quareia wishes to thank Ivana for all the hard work she did on this translation, which was done as a service to the magical community and to Quareia. Thanks Ivana!
LXXXI Quareia The Magicians Deck EBook in Chinese
Friends of Quareia in China and Taiwan have translated the deck book in to Chinese and also have produced a copy of the deck for availability in Taiwan and China. It is in PDF form and can be downloaded by clicking on the image.
Quareia wishes to thank the Taiwan Friends of Quareia for the hard work that was done in service to make this available. The website for purchase of the deck in Taiwan and China can be found here
This section of the free texts page holds various essays on a variety of magical and related subject matter. The files can be read on line or downloaded for personal use only - please be aware that all of these articles are fully copyrighted.
JM’s Tarot Companion - This informal companion is a quick reference collection that contains some of the mundane layouts that Josephine McCarthy uses in her books. These layouts plus many more appear in the book Tarot Skills for the 21st Century by Josephine McCarthy. They are useful for ordinary, everyday life events and for exploring further meaning of situations that appear in general readings. They can also be useful for magical students who wish to look at various situations relevant to their magical work or training.
Exploring Magical History Series
The ‘Exploring Magical History’ series consist of essays by Josephine McCarthy, which look at parts of magical history from pre history to modern day. In keeping with her commitment to Quareia, Josephine McCarthy has pledged that all her present and future writing will also be made available for free on this page, in keeping with Quareia’s ethics: no one should be denied access to study simply because they cannot afford it.
Click on the images to access the essays
1- Exploring Magical History: Pre History
This essay looks at the early dawn of magical behaviour as a response to environmental change, and focuses in on the shift from anthropomorphic worship to solar ritual behaviour. For Quareia students, it is a good example of how to delve into the history of magic by looking at non magical subjects such as archaeology, climatology, and anthropology.
2- Exploring Magical History: Egypt I
This essay looks at Pre Dynastic and Early Dynastic concepts, ideas and time lines. It helps to give an overview of political timelines and magical religious basic concepts which can form a foundation of understanding for more detailed study and research.
3- Exploring Magical History: Egypt II
The third essay in the series ‘Exploring Magical History’ looks at Pre Dynastic and Old Kingdom Egypt, with a particular focus on ritual boats, power sceptres and the Apis Bull. The essay traces the probable source of the modern concept of the magical wand.
4- Exploring Magical History: The Directions in Magic
In modern western magic and also in some religious patterns, the directions are the thresholds and boundaries that define and focus the power. In this essay, I look at certain people/s and points in magical history to look at how different people in time approached the directions, directional concepts and how those uses affect our magic to this day.
Archive of Josephine McCarthy
This section contains free PDF downloads of some of the archived magical work of Josephine McCarthy from the period of 1993 to 2012. The archive contains visions, articles, and stories that can be worked with magically for vision and ritual work. The files can be read on line or downloaded for personal use only - please be aware that all of these articles are fully copyrighted.
We have started uploading the archive: as the work is updated and formatted, we will be continuously adding to the archive over time.
Click on the images to access the Archives
Archive of Magical Visions
The vision link takes you to the visionary archive of work I did many years ago. The visions on this page are visions of service to the land and your ancestors, and visions of service to various presentations of the Divine within everything, including yourself. This page will be periodically updated.
Archive of Magical Stories
The Magical Stories link takes you to the archive of my magical stories. The stories on this page centre around specific magical dynamics that can be worked with in vision and ritual, while also helping the reader to gain understanding of the context and human element of such dynamics.
Sometimes the deeper aspects of magic can be difficult to present or explain, but approaching them through stories helps people to understand how these deep powers work through our lives, and exist all around us.
This page will be periodically updated.
Archive of articles on magic
The Articles link takes you to the archive of articles I have written over the years. The subject matter covers a variety of aspects of magic, from things to think about as a beginner, to learning how to operate better with everything around you. This page will be periodically added to.
This section contains free PDF download excerpts of some of the classical texts that are recommended reading in the Quareia course. These classical texts are all free of copyright and are public domain texts.
With special thanks to Quareia’s classics scholar, Anne H
Click on the images to access the texts
How to read classical texts
A short introduction in how to approach reading classical texts when you are not used to them - By Anne H.
Book X The Republic by Plato
Book ten of Plato’s Republic contains the famous vision of Er the Armenian, a cornerstone vision in magical history that is studied in the course work.
Porphyry - Life of Plotinus
Porphyry was a student and secretary of Plotinus, and his brief biography of his teacher gives us anecdotal insights into the mystical side of Plotinus. It outlines Plotinus’ search for a teacher in Alexandria, and his search for his personal daemon (spirit) in the temple of Isis.
Plotinus - The Fourth Ennead
Although all of the work of Plotinus is important, the Third and Fourth Ennead is of direct importance to magical students. His work in not an easy read for many – it is dense, thoughtful and poses many questions. We can see the logic and understanding of both Plato and Plotinus in these works, as they grapple with the mysteries of the universe, the essence of humanity and the nature of the gods.
Plato - Timaeus
One of the most famous dialogues of Plato (428-348BC) is Timaeus. In it he speculates on the nature of the physical world and humans. It is littered with interesting ideas and magically relevant tidbits.
Apuleius - The Golden Ass Bk XI
The Golden Ass, also known as the Metamorphoses of Apuleius, is the only ancient Roman novel in Latin to survive in its entirety. Apuleius (124-170AD) was an initiate in several mystery cults, and while the whole novel is relevant to magicians, the last chapter in particular, Bk XI, is of particular importance to students of the magical mysteries.
Plutarch - Isis and Osiris
Plutarch (46-119 AD) explores the nature of the cosmos through the story of Isis and Osiris, one of the deeper Dynastic Egyptian mysteries.
Virgil - Aeneid Bk VI
The Aeneid is an epic poem by Virgil (70-19BC) that tells the mythic story of Aeneas the Trojan and his journey to Italy to become the ancestor of Rome. It is a Roman national epic that creates a powerful mythos about the ancestral roots of Rome.
Bk 6 is the story of Aeneas’ descent into the Underworld, a tale that was later used during the Enlightenment period to create ritualised drama for initiation.
Hesiod - Theogony
Theogony is a poem by Hesiod (approx 750BC) written in Ancient Greek (epic dialect) that explores the genealogy and origins of the Gods.