
Apprentices: Advice for working with long visions in Quareia training

Why are some visions in Quareia training so long and complicated?

Artist: Zdzislaw Beksinski

 Contacted visions (i.e. not psychological pathworking) in magic were traditionally taught from teacher to student directly – the teacher would go in vision to a particular place/state/contact and would verbally narrate what they were seeing, with minimal detail, in order to trigger the connection and contact in the student. There is also a deeper magical dynamic that works with energetic resonance in person to person visions: the ability of visionary work passes from one person to the other when doing it together. That is not possible in an online training course that potentially thousands of people are working on, for both practical and also magical energetic reasons.

 That posed quite a problem for me in writing the course – I had to tread carefully to ensure that the visions would work magically, and not just psychologically, for the people who worked with them. There are certain key points that need to be covered: safe entry and exit, safety while in vision, ensuring the student didn’t wander around out of the sphere of contacted protection, while also ensuring that key catalysts were triggered for the student. These catalysts are very important keys for the magical development of a student: you can go into an inner place in vision, but if the catalyst is not triggered, it will not have the magical development effect that the student needs. And just to make things even more complicated, different catalysts work for different types of people.

 So each vision has various different catalyst moments, contact moments, and also boundaries of contact and protection. I had to magically trigger certain contacts, situations, and power spots within the visionary constructs in order to enable repeated magical accessibility for other people using the visions. In turn this means that some of the more powerful visions are long and relatively detailed.

 Once a student has worked once within a particular vision correctly, subsequent work with that vision can take on a more individualist approach if the student stays within the set protective boundaries. As an adept, all that is needed is two or three key points which they will already know, and the  rest will develop as a result of the adept’s own contact experience.

 Long visions are almost impossible to memorise, and the memorising process can in itself sometimes shut down certain contacts as it can become too rigid or ‘rote’. So here is a list of ideas and pointers for working with long visions in a way that will enable the power to ‘switch on’ and stay on.

 1-    Read the vision a few times (silent and then out loud)  as though you were reading a story, so that you familiarise yourself with the key points, beings, events etc. Also take careful note of points in the vision where you are going to converse with a being or are going to observe something. Maybe take notes, scribble pictures, whatever works for you to remember.

 2-    Then Record the vision in your own voice (don’t use someone to read it is out for you). Ensure that you leave gaps of silence in the recording at the points where you will be conversing with a contact or will be observing something – this is important! – leaving gaps of silence gives you time when actually doing the vision to get into conversation with a contact, or to observe something carefully. With the recording, don’t worry about hating the sound of your own voice – that is normal, so get over it. 

3-    When you are ready to actual do the work, have the recording ready, and once you have meditated to still yourself, turn the recording on and follow the vision in your mind’s eye/imagination. Ensure that you are active in your interactions with the vision – if you see something that looks or acts differently to the spoken vision, that is how that being is presenting to you as an individual – just take mental note of it and write it in your journal as soon as you have finished. Do not however, wander off outside of the placing/contact of the vision – this is not a fantasy trip, and going off track can be potentially dangerous to you at this point in training.

4-    When you have finished the vision, immediately write down the contact interactions, what you saw, and particularly note down any differences that happened. This is important as it will inform your further work. Write down how you got in, how you got out, and what was said/shown/done.

5-    The next time you go to that same place/contact, instead of following the vision exactly, just work with the following points of the vision: how you got in, how you got out, the contact or place you are supposed to go to/meet, what you were supposed to do/why you were going there. The rest will emerge in your mind as you work in vision - it may have differences, which is fine, so long as the key elements are working within the prescribed boundaries. Again, do not wander off beyond the boundaries of the vision/place, and do not search for contacts/beings that are not part of the original vision…. For example don’t decide to walk off into the distance to see what is there and to see if ‘you can meet an angel’ etc – to do so will potentially open you up to predatory beings. Later in training, as you gain knowledge and skill, and a large dollop of discernment, you will be safe to explore more as you will have more skills in place to deal with problems as they arise.

6-    When finished, again, note everything down, even small details that don’t seem to matter at the time – again these notes will inform your future work, and often small unexpected things that appear or occur can be of great importance later in your magical work.








It has been brought to my attention that the Initiatory lesson that bridges the Apprentice to Initiate has caused some problems for some students in China and other eastern countries that practice ancestor worship/veneration. This confusion and difficulty is caused in part by the word ‘ancestor’ having a slightly different meaning or understanding in the west than it does in some eastern countries. Please click the title to continue reading.





Quareia training advice - journals, practicing skills, and surviving!

Although we have put numerous bits of advice within the course, and also in the Apprentice study guide which is available for free download on our free text pages, I am still seeing a trend in the submitted notes of many students which concerns me. The Quareia course is there for people to do what they wish with in terms of how they approach the work, but for people who wish to seriously work with the course there are some simple approaches that are really important for the success of the individual in developing their skills.





Quareia Newsletter January 2020

Our 2019 Summary 

Happy new year everyone! 

2019 for Quareia was very much about getting ourselves organised with checks and balances by expanding our trustee board to its maximum capacity and solidifying the student Council. We now have good oversight in place to keep an eye on everything from how the donations are used, to how accessible the coursework is, and to provide support and fair access to minority students.

 We also spent a lot of time looking at how best to provide face to face events for students that would not damage the lone aspect of study that is so important in the course, while also ensuring that students had a place where they could meet other students and Quareia workers, debate, discuss and explore.


In 2019 we expanded our free books and texts page to include some of Josephine’s archives of her past work, along with putting up more free books. This will be continued into 2020 and beyond as there is still a pile of work to be tidied up and uploaded. Josephine has committed to put up free downloads of any of her future books and also any of her current books that are not with outside publishers.


2019 was also the year that our French friends of Quareia headed by Sarabée

 embarked on the mammoth task of translating the whole course into French. It will take a few years as the course is so vast, but just like when Quareia was started, each module will go up as it is finished. Sarabée is a professional translator and her work on Quareia is a massive gift to us.


2020 - What We Are Up To


  •  We have a conference planned in the UK in Sept 2020 with some truly awesome speakers from various branches of magical thought  https://www.quareia.com/2020-conference

  •  A student 4 day residential gathering with Josephine organised in the UK – further details to be posted on the Quareia website in spring 2020

  •  And also, a 4 day student residential gathering in May with Josephine in beautiful Slovenia amidst forests and mountains… a great place to go and talk to the forest!  Booking is now open and we have 4 places left. https://www.quareia.com/slovenia

 The residential gatherings are open to any Quareia student who has completed up to and including Apprentice module 1 lesson 4.

 We are also in the middle of organising some one day non residential informal get togethers in the south west UK, where anyone studying Quareia, even if they have just started, can come along, and join in discussions with Josephine. We will be talking about aspects of the training, magical dynamics that students need to think about, along with the many topics that students are interested in. Details will be posted on our events page on the Quareia website.


2020 is also the year where we are planning a bit of tidying up on the Quareia website and the PDF lessons, and also to make everything more accessible to visually impaired students. It is a huge job and once we are very clear as to what adjustments are needed, we will be calling on an army of tech volunteers to assist in redoing the PDF’s so that screen reading software can better read the lessons. We are currently in the phase of discussion with a disability access worker to ensure we know what we need to do.


Are now at the phase where some apprentice students have completed the Apprentice section and are now stepping into Initiate training with mentoring by me (Josephine). It is an exciting transition for us, and I have been blown away by the high standard of the work that people have achieved, along with the major magical personal evolutionary leaps that have been made by students. You have all done an awesome job with your training and it bodes really well for the future: together we are forging strong magical paths that will potentially have positive repercussions for generations to come! 


There has been much talk on the net about the huge Saturn/Pluto et al conjunction in this month of January. We at Quareia have taken the reins with this planetary party, and will be using the power of the conjunction to smarten up, get our heads down and ‘shoulder to the boulder’ in service, and work hard while cutting away the dead wood…. A better functional more accessible website, more on the ground events, expanding student engagement, expanding free texts availability, and trying not to go mad from overwork !

 I would like to wish everyone a fruitful and productive year ahead – it has been a difficult year for a lot of people around the world, with political shifts, economic hardships and personal disasters. But we have survived, strengthened and grown as a result. Here’s to a strong, creative and magical future!

Josephine McCarthy





Working the Quareia directional system in the Southern Hemisphere

When the course first launched, I had a variety of people asking about the use of directions in the southern hemisphere and whether or not they should be reversed. I did not know as I had never worked magically in the southern hemisphere before. So I suggested that students should experiment and keep notes of their work so that between us we could figure out what was the right way to do it. 

 For the most part magical directional patterns in Quareia are not land based, but are inner based, but I was not sure how that would work out ‘down under’. However, now that some students in the southern hemisphere have been working the system for a while, it has become very obvious from their notes and results, that the magical pattern itself stays the same regardless of where they are. Essentially the pattern works with creation/destruction, stasis, and time regardless of location.

 In the tarot exercises, the directional pattern is also imprinted with the various powers of the directions, along with listings of the seasons. What I would suggest is that students in the southern hemisphere don’t even think about the directional seasons when doing readings unless the question is specific to such seasons, and then to work with them in a way that is directionally logical for the land they are on.

 If you take out mention of the seasons from the base directional pattern (which is only really relevant to the tarot directional pattern), the rest stays the same… the sun still rises east and sets west (creation/dawn, destruction/dusk). South is still future and north is still past.

 I hope that helps our Quareia folks on the other side of the planet!





Magic, Power, Focus and the Emotions

The journey of magic that touches real power is a long and convoluted road that triggers ever deepening awareness of inner powers, consciousness and our own inner spirit and outer body. That long journey takes us down many roads of learning, not just about magic, but about power, energy, and our bodies.

