Why are some visions in Quareia training so long and complicated?

Artist: Zdzislaw Beksinski

 Contacted visions (i.e. not psychological pathworking) in magic were traditionally taught from teacher to student directly – the teacher would go in vision to a particular place/state/contact and would verbally narrate what they were seeing, with minimal detail, in order to trigger the connection and contact in the student. There is also a deeper magical dynamic that works with energetic resonance in person to person visions: the ability of visionary work passes from one person to the other when doing it together. That is not possible in an online training course that potentially thousands of people are working on, for both practical and also magical energetic reasons.

 That posed quite a problem for me in writing the course – I had to tread carefully to ensure that the visions would work magically, and not just psychologically, for the people who worked with them. There are certain key points that need to be covered: safe entry and exit, safety while in vision, ensuring the student didn’t wander around out of the sphere of contacted protection, while also ensuring that key catalysts were triggered for the student. These catalysts are very important keys for the magical development of a student: you can go into an inner place in vision, but if the catalyst is not triggered, it will not have the magical development effect that the student needs. And just to make things even more complicated, different catalysts work for different types of people.

 So each vision has various different catalyst moments, contact moments, and also boundaries of contact and protection. I had to magically trigger certain contacts, situations, and power spots within the visionary constructs in order to enable repeated magical accessibility for other people using the visions. In turn this means that some of the more powerful visions are long and relatively detailed.

 Once a student has worked once within a particular vision correctly, subsequent work with that vision can take on a more individualist approach if the student stays within the set protective boundaries. As an adept, all that is needed is two or three key points which they will already know, and the  rest will develop as a result of the adept’s own contact experience.

 Long visions are almost impossible to memorise, and the memorising process can in itself sometimes shut down certain contacts as it can become too rigid or ‘rote’. So here is a list of ideas and pointers for working with long visions in a way that will enable the power to ‘switch on’ and stay on.

 1-    Read the vision a few times (silent and then out loud)  as though you were reading a story, so that you familiarise yourself with the key points, beings, events etc. Also take careful note of points in the vision where you are going to converse with a being or are going to observe something. Maybe take notes, scribble pictures, whatever works for you to remember.

 2-    Then Record the vision in your own voice (don’t use someone to read it is out for you). Ensure that you leave gaps of silence in the recording at the points where you will be conversing with a contact or will be observing something – this is important! – leaving gaps of silence gives you time when actually doing the vision to get into conversation with a contact, or to observe something carefully. With the recording, don’t worry about hating the sound of your own voice – that is normal, so get over it. 

3-    When you are ready to actual do the work, have the recording ready, and once you have meditated to still yourself, turn the recording on and follow the vision in your mind’s eye/imagination. Ensure that you are active in your interactions with the vision – if you see something that looks or acts differently to the spoken vision, that is how that being is presenting to you as an individual – just take mental note of it and write it in your journal as soon as you have finished. Do not however, wander off outside of the placing/contact of the vision – this is not a fantasy trip, and going off track can be potentially dangerous to you at this point in training.

4-    When you have finished the vision, immediately write down the contact interactions, what you saw, and particularly note down any differences that happened. This is important as it will inform your further work. Write down how you got in, how you got out, and what was said/shown/done.

5-    The next time you go to that same place/contact, instead of following the vision exactly, just work with the following points of the vision: how you got in, how you got out, the contact or place you are supposed to go to/meet, what you were supposed to do/why you were going there. The rest will emerge in your mind as you work in vision - it may have differences, which is fine, so long as the key elements are working within the prescribed boundaries. Again, do not wander off beyond the boundaries of the vision/place, and do not search for contacts/beings that are not part of the original vision…. For example don’t decide to walk off into the distance to see what is there and to see if ‘you can meet an angel’ etc – to do so will potentially open you up to predatory beings. Later in training, as you gain knowledge and skill, and a large dollop of discernment, you will be safe to explore more as you will have more skills in place to deal with problems as they arise.

6-    When finished, again, note everything down, even small details that don’t seem to matter at the time – again these notes will inform your future work, and often small unexpected things that appear or occur can be of great importance later in your magical work.


